You are here: 52. Advanced Distribution Training Manual > Setting up Data Sheets as Auto Attachments

Setting up Data Sheets as Auto Attachments

You can setup items in Micronet so that whenever the item is included on a particular document – e.g. a quote or an invoice for a customer – and that document is either printed or emailed, an attached data sheet for the item is also printed or emailed.

For example, dangerous goods need to be supplied with a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), so you can configure Micronet to print or email the MSDS for a dangerous good whenever it is included on a customer invoice.

Before you begin, you need to think about the types of data sheets you might want to attach to an item. Examples could include:

It is important to sort out the "types" before you start because when you are setting up your report formats, you can select to print or email specific document types with each report format. For example, you might want to attach the item specifications to a quote, but when sending the invoice for the same item, you might want to attach the MSDS and warranty document.


Technical Tip

The types and codes listed above are examples only. You can include any type of document and give it any code you like.

The MSDSs and other documents must already exist as PDF files. The files can be available on a local drive, a network drive or on a website.